The only thing more difficult than dating a Gemini is getting back together with one. If you’re dating someone born between May 21 and June 20, you are dating the twins of the zodiac. Gemini lovers make great companions if you can get them to focus. However, once they have flown the coop, it is difficult to get them to come back. If you want to reunite your Gemini ex, you need to mentally outsmart this air sign without applying too much pressure.


Because they love to talk with many different kinds of people, your Gemini ex is a natural born communicator. However, your Gemini ex is also stubborn and headstrong by nature. If you want your Gemini ex to pay you any mind, you have to look the part. Wear your ex’s favorite perfume or cologne, dress to impress and make sure that you make a significant amount of steady eye contact. It really doesn’t matter what you say to your Gemini but how you say it. If you want another chance, make it known upfront. Don’t grovel, but show your ex that you are determined to make the relationship work.

Breathing Room

People born under Gemini love to go out, socialize and do their own thing. If you try to object, your Gemini will leave you behind in the dust. Be sure to give your Gemini ex enough room by only calling once in a while. However, you must make your presence known when you do happen to talk. If your Gemini ex has a habit of trying to get away with murder, be sure to call your ex out on things. For example, Geminis tend to exaggerate or fib for entertainment. If you spot an inconsistency, let your Gemini ex know that you are onto the lie. Don’t be afraid to speak up because you want to get back together.

Knock Down a Notch

Even though Geminis are not the most jealous of zodiac signs, they do like to feel important. If you demote your Gemini from the top person in your life to the second one, your ex will grow extremely jealous. In fact, your Gemini ex may be willing to do anything to be back on good standing. While Geminis are not vain, they do enjoy attention from others. If you cut back on the amount of attention that you give your ex, it will only be a matter of time before it comes up in conversation. Be prepared for a blowout from your Gemini ex. When you see your Gemini hurt and devastated by your actions, you will know that you have a chance at reuniting because there are still emotions there.

Free as a butterfly, Geminis like to roam the world. However, once they find love, they will not want to roam alone. If a Gemini has broken your heart and left you, it is not the end of your relationship. While this sign is known for being quick-witted and intelligent, it is not known for being reasonable and practical. If you want your Gemini ex back, you can’t give up so quickly. In order to win, you have to play.

Good luck!


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