If a Sagittarian has broken up with you, rough waters lie ahead. If you were dating someone who was born between November 22 and December 21, you were involved with one of the most hot-tempered signs of the zodiac. As a fire sign, Sagittarians can anger very easily. They also hate feeling stressed and long for carefree days. If there are signs of trouble in a relationship, a Sagittarian will want to cut the cord to spare time and feelings. However, if you think that the relationship is worth saving, you have to woo Sagittarian to stay in your corner.


Your Sagittarian ex wouldn’t have called it quits if there was deep understanding and passion in the relationship. Since this sign looks to seek adventure, initiate doing fun things with your ex. On your outing, you should act cordial and slightly flirty. Your ex-partner needs to experience you on a new level. Don’t treat your outing as a first date or a do-over. Instead, use this opportunity to get to know your ex’s fears, wants and desires. By bonding with your ex, you will be able to further understand what is needed to make your relationship stronger. If a friendship is all that you can achieve at the moment, that will have to suffice until things heat up.


Even though Sagittarians like to have nice things, they are also inherently cheap. If you appeal to their logical side, you can convince your ex that being single costs more money than being a couple. When you are in a relationship with someone who has a similar healthy approach to finances, it is more beneficial to stay in the relationship and accumulate wealth. Obviously, you don’t want your ex to get back with you for money. However, relationships come with many benefits, and being able to save money is just one benefit.

By Comparison

While Sagittarians can be jealous people, you should not appeal to this part of their personality. If you try to make your ex jealous by heavy flirting or hooking up with other people, you will only get labeled unfavorable names by your ex. Even if your Sagittarian craves for you, you will never know it if you play the jealousy game. Instead, make your Sagittarian realize that your relationship is worth working at. While chatting on the phone with your ex, slip in dating disasters about mutual friends. Sagittarians like to be on top of the world. If they are convinced that what they had in a relationship was truly valuable, they will think twice about staying broken up.

If you want your Sagittarian ex back, then you have to step your game up. By putting your best foot forward, your Sagittarian may realize that you are something to hold onto. Combining passion, adventure and logic, you will be able to convince your Sagittarian ex that your relationship is more than worth fighting for.



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