How to get an Aquarius man back after a breakup? It’s not easy but it’s far from impossible. Read on…

If your ex was born between January 20 and February 18, then you are dealing with one of the master communicators of the zodiac.  If you want to rekindle your relationship with your Aquarius ex, you need to realize that you have a long way to go. Aquarians are not difficult by nature because they are governed by air. However, they do expect their partners to live up to their standards. If you break their trust, you will be instantly in the doghouse.

Master Communicator

Affectionate, kind and loving are traits that describe an Aquarian in a relationship. However, they can also be cold and harsh when provoked. If your Aquarian has decided to call it quits, then you will have to put aside your seduction tricks and get to the bottom of the break-up. Because Aquarians are always straight-forward with their partners, you probably already know why you were kicked to the curb. In this case, information is power. If you aren’t the best talker, learn how to express your emotions. Your Aquarian ex will only agree to consider making up with you if you present a solid, honest case for the relationship.

Needs Reassurance

Even though many Aquarians have the reputation of being quite flirtatious when they want to be, they are the quiet, jealous types. While they may never have crazy, fits of raging jealousy, they do not like to feel threatened by others. Even if you are split from your Aquarian lover, you should not date anyone if you plan on trying to reconcile. Aquarians need reassurance that they are the ones that you want. Proclaim your love and back it up with actions, and your Aquarian lover may start to consider reconciliation.

Needs Variety at Home

If you want to catch the eye of your Aquarian ex, reinvent yourself. Aquarians love variety in their relationships. If your Aquarian notices that there’s something different about you, it is a sign that you still may have a shot at getting back together. For example, you can change your physical appearance, develop new hobbies or adopt an attitude that is much more appealing than your current one. By spicing up your appearance and personality, you will be cooking up bait to catch your Aquarian ex. Once the attraction is sparked, you can work on letting your ex know that you are committed to doing whatever it takes to repair your fragile relationship.

Break-ups are rough all around, so you’ll need tough skin, especially when dealing with an Aquarian. Since they rarely cut their lover slack when they feel betrayed, it is important to be on your game. Getting your ex back is not out of the question. You just have to open your heart, be honest and learn how to spice up your relationship, while keeping it genuine and special every day.

If you’re really serious about getting your Aquarius man back, you need our brand new eBook, Love, Lust and the Aquarius Man. Exclusive to this website, it tells you in detail how to convince any Aquarius man that you’re exactly the kind of woman he needs in his life, forever. Click here.


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