If you’re trying to get back with your Aries ex, you should know that anyone who was born between March 21 and April 19 is a hard cookie crack. To stand any chance with an Aries ex, you need to put your foot down and be confident about what you want. Born under fire, this zodiac sign is known for its fiery temper and hotheaded attitude. However during a split, this sign usually tends to avoid fighting because they do not like to feel guilty.


Don’t give in to your Aries ex. Even if you miss your ex and can’t wait to be back together, you have to be strong in your convictions. If you believe in your actions and words, stick by them. Your ex will not respect you if you retract your statements, even if you fully mean every word. Try to calmly relay your thoughts to your ex. By providing enough space, your ex should be able to relax and try to see things your way.


If you want to get an Aries back, appeal to their sense of passion. Your ex is weak when it comes to love because those born under the Aries sign enjoy to thrown into the realms of intense passion. It makes them feel alive. What good is the fight if there’s no making up? By showing your Aries ex that there is still love burning in the relationship, you are setting the stage for a hot and heavy reconciliation.

Follow the Leader

While your Aries ex may enjoy lively debates and fun conversation, your ex-significant other also enjoys to lead the pack. If you want to be on the same page of your Aries ex, then get on the same page by wanting to do the same things and not putting up too much of a fight when it comes to picking outings. For example, let your Aries ex pick the movie, restaurant and all of the details of your date. Leave the debates to politics, religion and work. Your Aries does like to hear your opinions out and have no problems accepting your ideas. However, your ex has no intention of sitting in the backseat and letting you control what direction to go next.

By showing your Aries ex that you are devoted to the relationship but are far from a doormat, you will grow respect in the eyes of your ex. Luckily for you, one of the most powerful ways to get an Aries to notice you is by gaining respect. Once you have respect, you can have a lot more, including passion, love and a heartfelt second chance.

If you’re really serious about getting back with your Aries man, you must take a look at our brand new Love Spells and Affirmations! Click here.



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