Getting back together with a Virgo may be one of the hardest things that you ever go through in life. Ruled by the earth, those born between August 23 and September 22 are extremely practical and logical with strong convictions. Very analytical, they spend a lot of time thinking. Whether they choose to be with someone or break up with a significant other, they come to that decision after much thought. They rarely rely on emotional or irrational moments to help them come to final decision. They always look at the whole picture, which can be both a blessing a curse. If you need to get your Virgo ex back, you need to roll up your sleeves and get to work because they won’t make it easy for you.


Virgos hate surprises, so they are unlikely to surprise you. This sign is very critical and observant. If something is out of place, leave it to your Virgo ex to spot it and bring it to your attention. If there problems your relationship, you probably heard about the problems several times before the final straw that led to the break up. With this being the case, your Virgo ex probably feels justified in the deciding to break up. Arguing against this point will do you no good. Instead, you can thank your ex for being strong enough to come to a rational decision for both of you. This will make your ex feel comfortable and allow for a friendship to form.


Don’t try to see your ex every day after the break up. If you are broken up, act like that. Don’t text, call or stalk you ex because it will make you look desperate. Give your ex space. Even if your ex is the one making the phone calls, don’t feel like you have answer. Give your ex time to process what is going on between the two of you.


Talk to your ex about the break up. Avoid getting emotional because this sign is allergic to screaming and crying. If you lose your cool, your Virgo ex will either run of the building or hang up on the phone. Try to speak logically and calmly about why the two of you should try to work out your problems. Provide practical reasons that give your Virgo ex something to obsess about at home.

Touch of Jealousy

Make your ex jealous by moving on with your life. You don’t have to hook up with anyone else to drive your Virgo crazy. You can just engage in new activities that your Virgo never knew that you were interested in. Consequently, your ex’s mind will start to run crazy and start questioning if breaking up was the right thing to do. If you do start talking to someone new, your Virgo will absolutely lose it.

Getting back a Virgo is a mind game. If you keep your cool and speak with ease, your Virgo will hear you out. After you plead your case, let everything else slowly fall into place. Even though Virgos have no problem being single, they do not like throwing away valuable things either.


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