Highly emotional, Cancers do not waste time with a break up. Once they are done, they are out. If you’re dating someone between June 21 and July 22, you are dealing with a sensitive water sign who takes relationships very seriously. After a relationship is done, they may dabble in maintaining a friendship. However, they soon will move on to another prospect. If you would like get back with your Cancer ex, you have to preserve a friendship and work your way into something more promising before time runs out.

Take Ownership

Whatever the reason for the split, take ownership immediately. Recognize your role in the failed relationship, so you can be on your way to forming a good friendship. Chances are that if your Cancer ex has called things off, an immediate reconciliation is not likely. Do not worry because a solid friendship can help rebuild where things were wrong in your relationship.


Being just friends can feel like a bullet to your heart; however, you must do what is necessary to win back the trust of your Cancer ex. Once your Cancer man begins to open up to you again, let your ex know your true feelings. Do not insist on getting back together. However, you can say that you will do anything necessary to fix the relationship. Ask your Cancer ex about what you need to do to prove that you are ready to give it another shot. Most likely, your Cancer will be vulnerable and tell you exactly what is going on in your ex’s heart. You may not get an immediate response as to what you can do to make things better, but you will have opened a gateway to a future with your ex.

Serious Commitment

You usually don’t meet single Cancers later on in life because they usually settle down one way or another. If you don’t get your stuff together, your Cancer ex will not think twice before moving onto another relationship. Be clear about what you want out of a relationship. Tell your Cancer ex what you are looking for, and let your ex know that you have a lot to offer.

Trying to get back with a Cancer is only reserved for patient exes because it won’t happen in a day or two. The key to reconciling with your ex is to let your guard down and build on the emotional aspect of your relationship. Once you are both on the same page, you can move forward to giving it another try. If you play your cards right, your union may end up in marriage.



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