If your ex was born between April 20 and May 20, then you have your work cut out for you. When you are dealing with a Taurus ex, you have to put all of your cards on the table and hope that you are granted clemency because you are in for one crazy ride, including intense fighting, crying, laughing and every emotion that you can possibly think of. The Taurus man is an emotional creature, and he loves from the top of his head to the tips of his fingers and toes. If your Taurus ex called off your relationship, chances are that you were the source of disappointment. In order to get back together with your ex-significant other, you will have to be willing to put your heart on the line.


Depending on the reason for your split, you should validate your ex by explaining in detail all of the wonderful aspects of your past relationship. Let your ex know how much you appreciated the relationship. Explain in simple words how much you need your ex in your life and how you can improve your contributions to the relationship.

Concrete Examples

Your ex may want you back. However, if you are not able to make a case for yourself, you will not stand a chance. Meet up with your ex and present thoughtful, concrete examples describing how the relationship can be better moving forward. For example, tell your ex how you will be more hands on or how you can adjust your work schedule to spend more quality time together. If your ex goes into a tirade about your past mistakes, don’t succumb to arguing, defending yourself and appointing blame. Just listen and take the bashing gracefully.

Romantic Melancholy

If you want to soften up your ex-lover, play the romance card. Show your ex that you can be romantic and passionate how you used to be in the beginning of the relationship. Remind your ex of all of the good times that you once had together by repeating some of your old moves. For example, you can take your ex to their favorite place in town, cook their favorite food and even invite their closest friends. Taureans are very big on friendship. If you are vetted by your ex’s friends, then you are golden. By putting in some effort, your ex will see that you are serious about taking other people’s feelings into account, not just your own.

Taureans love to be in relationships because they are always in need of love and affection. Even though your ex-significant other pulled the plug on you, it doesn’t mean that your ex is happy being alone. Sure, your ex can move on but building history with someone else takes time. If you stay in your lane and make sure that you prove yourself to your ex, you will be the first person that your ex will turn to in both times of crisis and joy. With such a strong rapport, your relationship will eventually repair itself.



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