You were dating a Capricorn, and everything was going great. Well, you thought everything was going great until your Capricorn lover dropped the bomb on you. Now, you´re doing everything under the sun to get back with your ex. Now you may ask yourself, are you doing the right thing? Read on for tips on rekindling a relationship with your Capricorn ex…

(Why not take a look at our great value Attract a Capricorn Man Love SpellClick here.)


If your ex was born between December 22 and January 19, then you are trying to get back with one of the most stubborn signs of the zodiac. In order to get back in good graces with your Capricorn ex, you better be ready to roll up your sleeves. No matter the cause of your break-up, your ex will not cave to begging or crying. In fact, if you are currently pulling on your ex’s heartstrings, you will get nowhere. Instead, you have to take an honest look at your relationship and fight for it with more than just your words.

Use Logic

As an earth sign, Capricorns rarely jump out of a relationship as quickly as they may have jumped into one. The truth that your Capricorn ex didn’t just wake up and call it quits. Things must have been shaky for a while, and breaking up was the most logical way to solve the underlying problem in the relationship. Get your Capricorn ex back by using logic. Before speaking to your ex, make a list of pro’s and con’s about your relationship and clearly outline where you went wrong. You need to have a clear picture about what you have to fix before you present a solution to your ex.

Do the Grand Gesture

Capricorns needs romance, adventure and understanding in a relationship. Without these three, you will find your Capricorn man slowly retreating from you and running into the arms of another. If your Capricorn has already called it quits, it is time to bring out the big guns. Even though Capricorns do not care for tears or irrational displays of anger, they are quite fond the grand gesture. Get creative and do something that your ex does not expect but would love. Melt your ex’s heart away with a gesture that shows how much you actually do care. Putting yourself out on a limb will not go to waste.

Let Go & Live

Chasing your Capricorn ex may be what you really want to do. Coincidentally, your ex’s ego also wants you to do the same thing. Unfortunately, stalking will not lead to another shot at the relationship. In order to get your Capricorn ex back, you must be willing to be patient and wait it out.

Breaking up is something that no one enjoys, especially not the person doing the heart-breaking. If you want your Capricorn ex to feel remorseful about the break-up, you have to be remorseful about the mistakes that you committed during your relationship. After your ex notices a serious change in you, then you may be on the road to getting back together. However, until you put your relationship and actions into perspective, rekindling the relationship will only be a pipe dream.

But if you’re really serious about getting your Capricorn man back…

… take a look at our great value Attract a Capricorn Man Love SpellClick here.


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