If you are trying to get back together with someone who was born between July 23 and August 22, you are entering the lion’s den. Fierce and fabulous, Leos like to rule. When they break up with you, they think it is only your loss, not theirs. The trick to getting a Leo to feel bad about the decision to part ways is make yourself more valuable by becoming a hot commodity. Leos like to have the best of the best, so they will not want to miss out on a potentially electric relationship.


Leos live to love, and love to live. If your Leo broke up with you, then the joke is on your ex. It is now up to your Leo to go out and find someone who can do what you used to.  Play on your ex’s need for affection by being a tease. Do not go crazy about the separation. Treat it as if you are simply taking a short break from each other. Call your ex on the phone at night time and flirt. Eventually, your ex will give in and want to see you. You, however, should not give in. If you wait it out, you can have your Leo ex in the palm of your hand.


Leos love to be luxurious, but they also appreciate the small things in life. Since they are always in charge and tend to have very demanding jobs, they love the moments when they are being taken care of. You can plan something nice for your Leo ex, such a quiet picnic, a re-enactment of your first date or a nice outing with friends. Pick up a card and a gift for your Leo ex because this sign loves to receive. If you can prove to your ex that you are a giver, your ex-significant other will take another look at the relationship.

Honesty and Protection

Leos hate liars. Just come clean, and you’ll have a better chance at getting another shot with your ex. When you lie to Leos, in addition to not being able to trust you, they also feel very unsafe and insecure in the relationship. Leos like to feel protected, loved and cherished as they try to do the same for whoever they are with in a relationship.

If you can open up your heart and be real with your ex, your Leo will embrace you and want to see where the relationship could go. Put trust in your ex that your relationship will see brighter days. However, if you choose to close yourself off to a Leo, you will only be headed towards a permanent separation.



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